I just bumped into Miss Piggy in the powder room, and she told me that she had secretly arranged a dance with a long lost flame of hers......a man from Russia she said....and she swooned on the chaise lounge dreamily.......I asked her if that was the same man who had been wandering around alone asking for her earlier...and she flew out of that room and disappeared into the the ballroom faster than I can order bacon & eggs!
What's all this fuss.?....Could it be........Nureyev.......DANCING here at the Manor???
(Click on this post title to see one of the highlights of Willow's Ball!)
Derrick .......your date is absolutely stunning in Swine Lake!
What's all this fuss.?....Could it be........Nureyev.......DANCING here at the Manor???
(Click on this post title to see one of the highlights of Willow's Ball!)
Derrick .......your date is absolutely stunning in Swine Lake!
That was wonderful. I laughed until I cried. Willow does invite the most interesting people!
Excellent! Mind you, I could dance as well as Nureyev if only I could find a pair of tights that would fit properly - in all (ahem) areas.
I could have accepted Miss Piggy's rather wayward behaviour, FireLight, if it had ended with the dance. But what I discovered afterwards was beyond endurance (you'll see over at my place)! So, I'm not feeling at all guilty tucking into Michael's bacon rolls this morning!
Swine Lake! LMAO!
Piggy must have had Nureyev consealed behind the potted plants all evening. I thought I heard someone singing "It's Cold Outside" back there amongst the foliage!
It wasn't necessarily Nureyev..lest you forget, I brought my family, the fabulous Ballet Russe de Smirnoff to the ball, and they did perform a shortened version of Swan Lake. They're on my post, in all their splendor!
Oh my! Lyn, this story just goes on and on...and on...
Many decades ago, I met Jim Hanson at a Georgetown, DC bar...he was a wild man in that he was so talented, so fun, so amazing!
Thanks for the memory but, unfortunately, due to lack of bandwidth, can't see videos, you tube, etc.
swine lake!
Serious laughter here!
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