No wonder he is so fond of this guy!
Not surprisingly, he was reading over To Kill a Mockingbird and remembering his dear friend. He had been expecting me he said. He pointed me down the street just a few blocks from the court house to the front porch where I would find Atticus in his rocking chair. As I walked away, I heard him say softly, "Make sure he has a wonderful time, and give your hostess my best regards!"
"A ball....at Willow Manor? I had a strange dream about that....Gregory Peck said I should get out of Maycomb for just once......branch out......live a little.......have a ball. Hmmm?

Well, let me see if my tux still fits."
I showed him my dress...just to prove I was not too over the top...just a little understated elegance....a little jewelry, my favorite garnet with gold earrings and and matching delicate bangle!

Suede dancing slippers. Hair pulled back in a French braid. Just the faintest hint of Shalimar...
A suave and attractive couple you make too!
Are Marilyn and Jane M still putting their war paint on? I do wish they wouldn't keep me waiting so long...
Well, the adorable Gregory, a lovely, lovely man. What a wonderful partner. I love your dress, superb with your colouring and your slippers, perfect.
Well, FireLight, if you can tear yourself away from Atticus for just a moment perhaps we could have that dance? Miss Piggy is busy signing autographs. Quickly now! And, did I say how perfectly charming you look?
You two looked divine together. Charming in fact!...and yes, I did catch just the faintest hint of Shalimar as you drifted past to the strains of Strauss as the orchestra played on.
Well the sun is nearly coming up, Derrick darling....but let's have that dance...Miss Piggy is soooo popular....I think we are safe....Oh how I do adore a man in a bowtie!
PhillipH.....I am headed for the powder room...I will look for your ladies! Being glamorous is a big responsibility, you know!
Pam....the magic of the moment...don't I look almost like a movie star? He just has that special effect! {deep sigh)
Ohhhhh, my favorite actor of all time. So suave, so debonair, so gorgeous! I totally envy you!
He is the sexiest actor that ever graced the screen. Great choice!
Well, I must say that I think several ladies were a tad jealous when you pulled up the The Manor in that Rolls with Mr. Peck! What a perfect date....he was really looking into your eyes as you danced, too! I think he was quite smitten with you ....especially in that gorgeous gown!
I am very jealous! Do come by Linda#53 for a martini with the dear Mr. Peck and perhaps we could interest the two of you in a dance or two. You look so handsome together! =D
Ah, so that was you with Gregory Peck? Darn, and I was going to ask for a spot on your dance card too!
Gaston, is such a gentleman...and he made Harper Lee's character immortal on screen!
If she has her way, no one else will ever play that part in a film.
<----fanning her face ....
Yoli, I nearly melted when he looked up from reading that book...you are so right!
Betsy...it was really Atticus Finch ....he just looked like Mr. Peck {wink}. We did have a wonderful time....even talked about the children.
(Note: The two actors who played Jem & Scout were from my hometown & close to my age...I actually met them a few times.)
Linda, my dear, so glad you came by...I wasn't able to entertain much here as I am grading mid-terms....but I need a break & and I plan to get in a few more dances this evening......I have to wrench Atticus away from Yoli & Betsy, and we will be right over!
Barry, I guess I am really the shy one...I only had a few dear fellows signed up....I still have blank spaces on my card....shall we?
I have always had the hugest crush on Atticus. I could sit and listen to his dreamy voice for hours. He's so intelligent, so gentle, so wise. ((sigh))
Love your elegant choice of velvet, and your dancing slippers are simply devine! What a handsome couple you make.
Wow he is quite a man. Would you have a drink with me. I am so young and naive I am not used to big shindigs like this. I see you know Barry and Linda too. Everyone knows them. They are so sweet and loving. Well see you. I'll be waiting for you to introduce yourself to us.
Goodness, we any of us ever that young?!
Fine post, enjoyed greatly.
It's a good thing you came with Atticus as Mr. Peck is escorting ME to the ball. I would not have liked to create a scene at such an important event, though perhaps our dear hostess would relish a little catfight behind the scenes.
This is great! Hope you had a fantastic time.
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