After nearly three years of severe drought here in my state, I must pay homage to the rain and beautiful clouds. Often the weather turns from a relatively mild winter to summer. Lately we are enjoying plenty of rain, cool nights in the forties and mild days in the high sixties. We have been really blessed with a true spring.
Last year, I was privileged to have in my speech class, a very talented, gracious, and beautiful Ukrainian exchange student. She truly added much to the community of the school. Among the gifts she shared with me are a few of her collections of photographs from her travels here and from her homeland. She was and remains a serious art student. Now back in her own country, she will graduate from her high school this spring. Featured here is one of her photographs made somehwere in Virginia, April 2008.
I am the daughter of the earth and water.
And the nursling of the sky;
I pass through the pores of the ocean and shores,
I change , but I cannot die.
from "The Cloud"
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Helloo there.
Can you remind me gently what G-girl I said I was going to do a piece on? If it's Gaia my entry was just below the request for movies.
Nice poem, by the way and ties in somewhat with my Gaia theme.
I found the post just after I had made the comment! And yes...G=Gaia! I was trying not to give it away----again.
Shelley's poem has many more details ...I especially loved these four lines for this photo.
Glad you stopped by, Pup!
I'm glad you are getting the rain that you need, the photograph is lovely and so are Shelley's words.
Hello FireLight,
The photograph is great and Shelley's words are an ideal companion.
I have had another go at poetry myself today. I hope you will like it!
'Morning Firelight,
Your student's photo is stunning. The Shelly is just perfect paired with it.
Enjoy your weekend, dear friend!
There is something for you over at my place.
Thank you all for being so faithful and complimentary! I DO have plenty of ideas, I am just short on original photographs...and TIME. I have been a virtual prisoner of my classroom this week. I hope to get out in this gorgeous weather and gather some local images for you. Have a wonderful weekend!
Rowan, there are actually some scenes here that are so green...I think I am in England!!
Derrick, you are very creative! I have always looked forward to reading your posts. Now you have added something new and exciting!
Willow, I will be sharing some more of her work with all of you. Have a wonderful weekend!
Cait, you are so thoughtful and kind...I just love coming to Wales via your blog!
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